Important Dates

  • Submissions open: October 1, 2023
  • Submissions close: July 12, 2024
  • Judging: Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
  • Finalists are announced: July 26, 2024

Schedules and Guidelines

Schedule and Guidelines for Submission

Competition Schedule and Summary

    Projects and experiences with integrating methods (or interdisciplinary fields) in non-science, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies are welcome. Key dates for the competition is outlined below.

    • Submissions open: October 1, 2023
    • Submissions close: July 12, 2024
    • Finalists are announced: July 26, 2024
    • Submission materials: A Research Paper and an Application Form

    The due date for the submission of the research paper and application form is 7/12/2024. All the applications are made online or via email.

    • Submission of the research materials is open. You can go to the menu "Submission" and fill out the form to create an account and start your application. If you have any technical difficulties, you can directly send your application materials(research paper and application form) via email:
    • Submission is open to all international and U.S. students studying in grades nine through twelve.
    • Finalists will be selected based on the novelty and creativity of the research paper and will be announced on our website during mid August.
    • You can submit the same paper you have submittd to other competitions or conferences in the past two years.

    Key Dates

    Event Date Method
    Submission 10/1/2023~7/12/2024 Portal or Email
    Finalists Announcement 7/26/2024 Online

    Submission Materials: Formats and Downloads

    Files File Formats Download
    Research paper Paper_FN_LN.docx Download
    Application Form Form_FN_LN.docx Download
    *Preferred file format: docx(not doc)
    *File name: Paper_Mary_Kennedy.docx / Form_Bob_McDonald.docx

    General Information

    1. Please upload the materials online: go to the menu bar on top and select “Submission Portal” to upload the two project materials. Or email them directly to
    2. The research paper template can be downloaded from: [download]
    3. The application form is available from: [download]
    4. The submission deadline is at 11:59 EST on the day posted.
    5. Your research paper can be one of the following:
      • A work in progress (preliminary or initial stage of research/investigation) paper of 3 or more pages
      • A completed full paper with 5 or more pages
    6. Team projects must check the Team Project box in the application form and list all the coauthors’ information in the Author section of the Abstract, including each author’s complete name, school, and email. The corresponding author should be the first author.
    7. Again, if you have problems uploading documents online, please send your research project paper to directly with the application form.
    8. Preferred document format is .docx file(not .doc file)
    9. You can upload relative images or photos optionally on portal or via email.
    10. Your project will be available for review by judges throughout the judging period.
    11. All the submissions will go through a rigorous triple-blind peer review.
    12. Submissions are free: we do not charge any submission fees.

    Scopes of the Research Paper Category

    Scopes of the research paper category can include Science, Engineering, Humanities, and Social Science but not limited to.

    • Sciences - Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    • Engineering
    • Mathematics
    • Computer Science
    • Medicine / Health
    • Psychology
    • History
    • Social / Behavioral Studies
    • Economics / Business / Financial Engineering
    • Environmental Studies
    • Humanities
    • Art
    • Music
    • Philosophy
    • Political science

    Scopes of Projects

    Projects and experiences with integrating methods (or interdisciplinary fields) in non-science, science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) studies are welcome. Suggested topics include:

    • Integrated studies throughout the curriculum
    • Pre-college initiatives and outreach programs
    • Diversity in STEaM from high school to college
    • Fundamental and applied research
    • Work in progess projects are also welcome.

    2024 JYEM/NYCSEF Expo

    Additionally, 20-30 projects from general applications(research papers, photos/drawings, and other creative works from high school or college students) are invited for the 2024 JYEM Expo
    . (The followings are not for the JYEM competition applicants described above.)

    • Place: JCC Kaplen in Tenafly, New Jersey (Taub Auditorium)
    • Date/Time: August 10(Saturday), 10 am ~ 1 pm
    • Address: Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Taub Campus, 411 East Clinton Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670
    • For the invited presenters, we might ask that you submit some of the following additional materials by email. The file formats and notes are as follows:

      • Application form (if you did not submit it)
        File name: Application_Form_FirstName_LastName.docx

      • Formatted paper(if you did not format it properly)
        File name: Formatted_Paper_FirstName_LastName.docx(

      • Biography with your headshot photo
        1. 200 to 500 words(about half a page to a full page)
        2. File name: Biography_FirstName_LastName.docx
        3. Please insert your headshot photo at the end of your biography.
        4. Sample:

      • Project presentation file
        1. File name: Presentation_FirstName_LastName.pdf
        2. Maximum # of slides: 15
        3. Include the word "JYEM/NYCSEF Competition" in the first slide.

      • Recorded video
        1. 7 to 15 minutes of recording
        2. Please include the YouTube link in your email. Attaching the video file in the email can take too long for some judges to download and watch it.
        3. YouTube video title: JYEM/NYCSEF Competition-Video_Presentation_by_FirstName_ LastName
        4. Turn off the comments.
        5. Sample:

      • Resume
        1. Please include all your acdaemic and other information, including skills and activities.
        2. Please include your high school/college name(s) you attend(ed) or will attend in the Education section 3.File name: Resume_FirstName_LastName.docx

      • Poster file
        1. Recommended ratio: 48x36 inch(horizontal:48)
        2. The printed poster will fit on the typical trifold poster board.
        3. File name: Poster_FirstName_LastName.pdf
        4. Please bring your presentation poster as a trifold. Size: 48x36 inch(horizontal:48)
        5. If you are unable to travel with the trifold (e.g., limited space on a plane), bring your presentation poster as a print on fabric or paper. We will provide the trifold board and mounting materials when you arrive.

      • Talent Release Form: This consent form will be sent to the selected in-person participants at the expo venue

      Optional materials

      • Other supporting materials: photos/coding list/photos of key pages from a handwritten notebook.
        File name: Supporting Material-1_FirstName_LastName.pdf

      • Photos with captions of your experimental apparatus or equipment.
        File name: SupportingMaterial-2_FirstName_LastName.pdf


      • Once everything has been completed, your project will be ready for the judges to assess your project. Grand prize winner, category winners, special awards, and recipients of Amazon eGift cards will be chosen at the in-person presentation expo.

      In-person Participants

      • Please bring your presentation poster on board. Your printed poster needs to be affixed to the trifold poster board. Size: 48x36 inch(horizontal:48). We will provide an easel or table.

      • Dress code: Business formal or semi-formal

      • Your poster registration and set-up occur in the Taub Auditorium in JCC between 10:00 am and 10:30 am. There is no registration fee.

      • Apply for our travel grant: Every year, we award a travel grant to students coming from out of tristate area to help them attend the expo/competition. There are no complicated rules or terms and conditions – you just need to be an in-person participant attending the expo, and be able to tell us why you think you deserve it. We assess it based on multidimensional factors such as the quality of the research paper, supplemental materials as well as your travel distance.

      • Some quick tips to help you prepare to present your posster: please check
        Also check photos from our past events at

      • We will not be providing food/drink refreshments at this year's expo to abide by the venue's safety regulations.

      • Presentation/Judging will happen between 10:30 am and 12:00 pm and the award ceremony follows right after that!